SATS Papers Guide is a free authoritative and Independent guide for parents and teachers
- • Free SATS paper download. No registration needed. • Free SATS paper preparation guides to suit individual circumstances. • Advice on the best resources to use to prepare for SATS tests.
- • Coverage of KS1 SATS Papers and KS2 SATS Papers.

Free KS2 SATS papers
New format KS2 SATS papers free to download.
No registration needed.
Also free guidance on which papers to use and how to prepare.

Free SATS Preparation Guides
Whatever you are hoping to do these free preparation guides will help you to organise a proper plan.
These preparation guides cover both KS1 and KS2 SATS papers.

When are the SATS tests?
Find out all the timing information for this year’s tests for KS1 and KS2.
Which SATS papers are on which day and when will results be issued.

Approved SATS Papers resources and books
Don’t get confused by the mass of titles available.
We show you which are the best resources to use, whatever your situation.

All your questions about SATS Papers and the test answered.
This forum collates all the questions we have been asked – the definitive Frequently Asked Questions list for SATS.

Read To Succeed
Regular reading help with parents makes a huge difference.
Suggested book lists, guidance on paired reading, how to manage reading development.

Free KS2 Maths SATS Papers
Our focus on KS2 SATS Maths papers.
Find out what’s included and how to prepare to do well.

Free KS2 English SATS Papers
Our focus on KS2 English SATS papers.
Find out how to focus your preparation to produce the best results.

How are SATS results used?
Find out how SATS results are used and why it’s important for children do as well as they can.

Top Ten SATS Tips
Our top tips to ensure you help your child prepare for SATS papers in the best way and help them to show how well they can do.

SATS Papers help for teachers
Help for teachers including suggestions on how you could do things differently.
Fresh suggestions from teachers around the country.
SATS Papers Guide has been developed for both parents and teachers to help children do as well as they can do in their SATS tests. We provide free online access without registration to all the useful KS1 and KS2 SATS papers that have been issued in a format which is both easy to use and clearer than any other provider.