What are SATS?

SATS are tests which are given in Primary Schools in year 2 and year 6. SATS is the acronym for Standard Assessment Tests or they are sometimes called National Curriculum Tests.

Who takes SATS?

SATS are taken at the end of year two and then of year six.  At the end of year two children are tested on the Maths and English syllabus for Key Stage One so these are called KS1 SATS.   At the end of year six children are tested on the Maths and English syllabus for Key Stage Two so these are called KS2 SATS.

What subjects are included in SATS tests?

SATS Tests have historically included Science but currently just Maths and English is tested.

What are the roles of these SATS tests?

SATS tests are designed to two things.  Firstly to see how well schools are performing and secondly to see how well children individually have learnt. SATS tests cannot be failed.

SATS test do also play a role in defining some of the next educational steps for your child.  If for instance in year two they do not do well are significantly below the expected levels then this may trigger some intervention concerns with parents and with the school.  This may contribute to additional help for that child as they go into year three. Normally these things would be decided through normal teacher assessment but sometimes SATS can help to confirm a position.

In KS2 the results are sent to the child’s secondary school and there they will normally be used to help decisions on setting or streaming.  Children with the highest marks will go into the top sets for Maths and English where they will be with other high performance children.  It is worth adding that sets in secondary schools are not set in stone and purely defined by SATS. Children will move into and out of these sets depending on their performance at secondary school.

What are the steps parents can take to help their children with SATS? 

Many children will get more homework as SATS approaches.  At a basic level , helping to keep children calm and helping them manage their homework will be something useful parents can do.

At another level parents can develop an understanding of a child’s weak areas and try to help them.  They might do this using Current KS1 year 2 SATS papers and KS2 year 6 SATS papers that are available free.

Many parents seek to help their children throughout their course or for a longer period as SATS approaches and our free preparation guides will hopefully help if that is what you want to do.