Addition and Subtraction Worksheet and Explanation

We’ve structured this information to help children with their education. It is targetted at children in years 5 and 6 and the questions for the worksheet have been stripped from past papers. Having an Understanding of addition and subtraction is part of the primary school curriculum and children will deal with addition and subtraction in both KS1 and KS2.

The Information below will give an overview of the topic and we have included a detailed worksheet with full answers. The worksheet includes 30 addition and subtraction questions and is relevant for KS2 pupils approaching their SATS test.

Download Free Addition and Subtraction Worksheet – Questions

Download Free Addition and Subtraction Shapes Worksheet – Answers

If you are not ready to download the worksheets yet, then read on for some information about addition and subtraction. This has provided to introduce the topics covered in the worksheet for those that might be unfamiliar but also as a quick revision tool for those that would like a quick refresher before accessing the worksheet.


Addition and Subtraction Explained

What is Addition?

Addition is the process of finding the total amount by combining two or more numbers. For example: If I have 2 pens on my desk and I go and find 2 more pens and put them on my desk, in total I will now have 4 pens.

What is Subtraction?

Subtraction is the opposite of addition. It is the process of finding the total amount by taking away two or more numbers. For example: If I have 4 pancakes and I eat 2 pancakes I will have 2 pancakes remaining.

What Should Children be Learning About Addition and Subtraction in KS1?

Children will become aware of addition and subtraction in year 1, learning addition and subtraction facts and how to add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers up to 20. They will also be introduced to the addition and subtraction symbols + and -. After this, they will learn addition and subtraction facts to 100 and how to add and subtract using multiples of 10. They will also begin to add various combinations of one- and two-digit numbers.

What Should Children be Learning About Addition and Subtraction in KS2?

Following on from KS1, children will develop their mental maths abilities and become able to do addition and subtraction in their heads. They will also be introduced to column addition and subtraction and use this to add and subtract numbers with more than 4 digits at the end of KS2.


Please feel free to download the addition and subtraction worksheet and answers. No registration is necessary.